Posted by: Yuris | December 19, 2008


bob_marley_03 Ketika mendengar kata reggae mungkin kita langsung berpikir tentang rambut gimbal atau lagu orang-orang sakau yang meneriakan kebebasan. Kata reggae sendiri berasal dari pengucapan logat Afrika dari kata ‘ragged’ (gerak kagok – serta hentakan badan ketika menari dengan iringan musik ska atau reggae). Irama raggae sendiri dipengaruhi oleh elemen musik R&B, soul, rock, ritmik-caribean (Calypso, Merengue, Rhumba) dan musik rakyat jamaika yang disebut Mento, yang kaya dengan irama Afrika. Irama musik yang dianggap menjadi pendahulu reggae adalah Ska dan rocksteady, bentuk interpretasi musikal R&B yang berkembang di Jamaika yang sarat dengan pengaruh musik afro Amerika. Secara teknik musik yang dilakukan banyak dilakukan seperti musisi ska. Seperti cara petikan dan ‘genjrengan’ gitar secara terbalik (up-strokes), memberi tekanan nada pada nada lemah (syncopated) dan ketukan drum multi ritmik yang kompleks. Jika dibandingkan dengan musik ska mungkin berbeda pada tempo-nya, reggae cenderung memainkan tempo yang lebih lambat dengan dentum bas dan rhythm guitar lebih menonjol dan dipengaruhi pula irama tetabuhan. Dengan lirik lagu yang terkait dengan tradisi rastafari dan permasalahan sosial politik humanistik dan universal.

Sekarang sudah banyak dan sangat populer musik beraliran reggae. Di Indonesia saja kita mungkin tidak asing mendengan nama-nama seperti Tony Q ataupun Steven And The Coconut Treez. Musik reggae mulai banyak disebut-sebut pada tahun 1972 dimana Bob Marley and the wailers meluncurkan album “catch A Fire”. Album ini dengan cepat melambungkan reggae sampai keluar Jamaika. Irama reggae pun kemudian mempengaruhi aliran-aliran musik dekade setelahnya, sebut saja varian reggae hip hop, regae rock, blues dll.

Musik reggae sendiri awalnya lahir dari jalan getho (perkampungan rastafaria) di Kingson ibu kota Jamaika. Inilah yang menyebabkan gaya rambut gimbal menghiasi para musisi reggae awal dan lirik-lirik reggae sarat dengan muatan ajaran restafaria yakni kebebasan, perdamaian, keindahan alam, serta gaya hidup bohemian. Bisa juga disebut oleh para pecintanya reggae sebagai gaya hidup dan expresi diri.

Referensi dari hot chord


  1. A Quest for the Heart of the Rastafari is a conference on Rasta culture, history and identity to take place in Jamaica from March 7th to 13th in 2009.

    Presenters include:

    “Origin and Emergence of Rastafari,”
    “Rastafari and Other World Views Santería and Vodon”
    Professor Barry Chevannes is a graduate of Boston College,
    the University of the West Indies and received his doctorate
    from Columbia University. His thesis at CU was on the Rastafari movement in Jamaica. And he is recognized as one of the leading scholars on Rastafari culture. He has written many books and is a distinguished professor of social anthropology at the University of the West Indies, Mona. He is also the current Chairman of the Institute of Jamaica, a
    cultural institution devoted to science, literature and art
    that also awards national honors.

    “Overstanding Rastafari: Jamaica’s Gift to the World”
    Yasus Afari is one of Jamaica’s top dub poets, a musician and he is also an author. Afari has collaborated with record producer Garnet Silk, as well as other dub poets and singers: Maxi Priest, Everton Lender, General Degree and Tony Rebel. Afar has performed throughout Europe, the US and
    the Caribbean.

    Yasus Afari’s book:
    Overstanding Rastafari: Jamaica’s Gift to the World.

    “From Makeda to Makeda: The Rastafari Empress Ethiopian Heritage”
    Barbara Blake Hannah is multitalented; she is an author,
    music journalist, filmmaker and public speaker with her own
    production company, Jamaica Media Productions. It should
    also be mentioned that in 1968, she became the first Black
    British TV presenter on Thames-TV’s daily evening show,
    Today with Eamonn Andrews. Ms. Hannah is one of
    Jamaica’s most respected cultural historians and
    received an award from the Ethiopian royal family. Her
    latest film, The Road through the Blue Mountains, is a
    spiritual journey through the most beautiful natural locales
    of Jamaica. Hannah’s The New Creation is the first book
    about Rastafari written by a practicing member of the faith;
    Josephe: A Rasta Reggae Fable is a novel inspired by the
    life of Bob Marley.

    Barbara Blake Hannah’s books:
    The New Creation
    Joseph: A Rasta Reggae Fable

    The Road through the Blue Mountains 2007
    Joseph: A Rasta Reggae Movie 2007
    Race, Rhetoric, Rastafari 1982

    The conference is co-sponspored with the Rastafari
    Indigenous Village

    To register for the conference or if you have any further
    questions, please take a look at our website
    You may also call the registration department staff at The New York Open Center at 212 219 2527

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